David Andres Leon

David Andres Leon is an architect with focus in the research and development of computational tools for Architecture, Construction and Design.
He is Head of Computational Design of the AAG group, Director of the Master in Advanced Computation for Advanced Architecture MACAD and Senior faculty of the faculty of the Masters for Advanced Architecture in IAAC, where he teaches in the Digital Matter studio alongside Areti Markopoulou. David also teaches programing for architects as a guest teacher in the MPDA Masters programme of the UPC.
David holds a Master of Science Degree from the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) in Universitat Stuttgart and a Masters Degree in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture from the Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona (Elisava). He has been involved in several research undertakings of which stand out his participation in German research platform FAT-LAB in Stuttgart and his collaboration as a research assistant in the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) for the EU-Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Action project Flora Robotica. David is also the co-author of various publications in the field of architectural research and robotics.