2018 - Ongoing
Urban Innovative and Inclusive Nature

In Sofia, Bulgaria, IAAC will implement a Winter Garden Pavilion as part of the new healthy corridor. The parametrically designed pavilion will lie in the grounds of a school allowing the children to learn and cultivate their own plants. The timber structure consists of a series of digitally fabricated ribs and a polycarbonate skin that opens through passive means. Inside, a variety of planting areas can be found, including a suspended hydroponic system and soil-based planters.

In Porto, Portugal, IAAC will carry out nature-based solutions in 6 schools as part of the regeneration strategy. The schools will each receive a designed solution that takes into account their requirements, limitations and feedback from the co-design workshops. Structural systems to house both flora and fauna have been developed, as well as ceramic bio-receptive surfaces. Thus, several digital fabrication methods have been utilized like CNC milling and 3D printing.

In Nantes, France, IAAC will realize a series of lightweight structural systems that will house nature based solutions, forming part of the Nantes healthy corridor. The structures will integrate planting, rainwater collection, seating and shading. Through a series of co-design workshops with the citizens of Nantes, IAAC further developed the design to suit the needs and requirements of its future users.