2017 - Ongoing
Super Barrio
A videogame to boost participatory design

The application collects the data of each session in a server, building a database about the citizen’s desires, needs and proposal and allowing the data visualisation and analytics in a dashboard, accessible to citizens, architects and public entities.
SuperBARRIO can be downloaded on Android tablets and smartphones through the Google Play Store and allow to open the participatory process to more users than conventional analogic methodologies.
SuperBARRIO BCN has been, until now, tested with neighbours involved thanks to the collaboration of Poble Nou Urban District, the local association Col·lectiu Superilla Poblenou and the Ersilia Foundation for the school 4 Cantons. The data collected can be visualised on the dashboard webpage.
SuperBARRIO is a flexible and customisable tool, open to the application in different contexts. It is as simple as changing the urban 3D model. Rules, score logic and data collection are all the same. It has been applied in Genoa in the Gavoglio project, in collaboration with the Casa Gavoglio association and UniGE.