2018- 2019
Cyber Green Voltaics
3D printed green wall built in clay that incorporates biophotovoltaic technology

CVG is a green wall composed of 3D printed ceramic pots that contains soil, plants and a bio photovoltaic system. This system harvests the energy produced by bacteria living near the plants’ roots, which is used to activate the irrigation system, making it energy self-sufficient. It includes sensors detecting the moisture in the soil, minimizing therefore irrigation. If vegetables are planted in it, it can also be used as a vertical vegetable garden. The green wall can be specifically designed and adapted to different spaces, local needs, and climatic conditions.
CVG provides several urban ecosystems services, such as: energy production, flood reduction (increasing porous in cities), air quality enhancement, and heat island effect mitigation.

- 2018-19
Funding Call:
- Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI 2018)
Total Funding:
- 89.613,53 €
- Solartys, Amaisys
- 2018-19
Funding Call:
- Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI 2018)
Total Funding:
- 89.613,53 €
- Solartys, Amaisys