Brillen en la foscor
Small robots printing large-scale structures

The experience is amplified according to the number of actors within the space also allowing the users to interact not only with the installation but between themselves, through the common construction of an intense audio composition. The collective behaviour and rhythm at which each participant plays the strings, activating their surrounding space, allows generation of an immersive audio-spacial experience through a common interactive game.
In this way, Brillen en Foscor establishes a dialogue between the visitor and the public space, as well as between different visitors, allowing the space to become responsive and interactive through sound.
The installation seeks to engage the visitors of all ages through playful discovery, using this engagement to connect people through their senses, rather than through an explicit narrative, to the story of Santa Eulalia. Moreover, thanks to the integration of latest technology within the traditional urban fabric the installation allow movement from the static concept of public space to a more dynamic and responsive model of active public space.
Brillen en Foscor is an immersive and interactive musical experience transforming space through visitor interaction and sound, engaging community, implementing advanced technology and enriching social activity in the area.