
Within today’s critical environmental, social and economic framework, AAG develops educational formats enabling designers and spatial practitioners in answering global challenges through design in order to design responsibly for the future.

The MAA revolutionizes current architectural approaches by training professionals to become changemakers and pioneers in the arena of architecture.

Visit MAA website

The MaCT is a unique program oriented towards redefining the analysis, planning, and design of twenty-first-century cities and beyond

Visit MaCT website

The MRAC train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Visit MRAC website

Online Masters

MaCAD provides expertise in the application of the latest digital softwares for design simulation, analysis and optimization of digital data in architecture.

Visit MaCAD website


3DPA is a 6-month long intensive programme in the field of additive manufacturing of sustainable architecture. It engages different areas of research that include robotic manufacturing, material research and performance-based design.

Visit 3DPA website

Summer Programmes

The GSS presents an online experience interconnecting its amazing network of faculty, nodes, laboratories and renowned guests. The workshops explores the impact of novel tools in the definition of a new Advanced Architecture.

Visit GSS website


Together with the Swinburne University of Technology, from Australia, IAAC offers a PhD programme exploring various areas of research in the fields of Advanced Architecture & Urbanism.

Visit IAAC-SWIN offshore PhD website